celebrate moments, words and connections

I have always been a person passionate about creativity, innovation and growth. Each country I lived in was also a country where I worked building connections and communities. All volunteering and creativity connecting with humans from all walks of life really brought me where I am now and I get a bit nostalgic with the new year as I am looking at Word Up which now is not only a platform, and community but also a publication, a podcast and of course a vivid flow of events over last 9 years.

When Word Up began, I could never have imagined the magnitude it would reach. It's a testament to the power of community, collaboration, and the shared love for expression. I find myself at a juncture where I've never been one to seek the spotlight or relish the stage, yet here we are.

This journey has been a collective effort. Word Up is not a solo act; it's a symphony of diverse voices, perspectives, and talents coming together. I am profoundly grateful to all the incredible humans who have supported, participated, and contributed to this evolving tapestry. It's your energy, creativity, and commitment that has turned Word Up into what it is today. And certainly, I could have never done everything without my partner in crime - Ennio aka BLESZ.

Life is a continuous journey filled with a myriad of chapters, moments, and little experiences that shape our story. Celebrating not only the grand openings and closures but also the smaller, nuanced aspects of our lives is what makes the tapestry of our existence rich and meaningful.

Every chapter brings its lessons, growth, and transformations. It's in those seemingly ordinary moments, those fleeting instances of joy, and those subtle shifts that we discover the true essence of our journey. By acknowledging and celebrating these smaller milestones, we learn to appreciate the beauty in the details and find joy in the present.

Life is a collection of stories, and within those stories lie countless moments that deserve recognition. Whether it's a small achievement, a shared laugh, or a lesson learned, these are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. Celebrating them allows us to cultivate gratitude, mindfulness, and a deeper connection to the richness of our experiences.

So, let's raise a toast not only to the grand openings and farewells but also to the chapters in between, the moments that define us, and the little experiences that make life truly extraordinary. Here's to embracing the full spectrum of our journey and finding joy in every step of the way!


Strengthening Bonds


Rasa Misiūnaitė: Dvejoti Yra Žmogiška (It’s Human to Doubt)