"None of Us Are Enjoying This"

But I did. Through the rainy streets of Utrecht I followed my way into a cozy cafe to find my dear dear friend Jackie preparing for her premiere of “None of Us Are Enjoying This” crafted by her with collaborator Jędrzej Jędraszyk. To me it was not merely a performance but an invitation to pause, contemplate, and feel.

In a time marked by turmoil, uncertainty, and unrest, the title itself resonated deeply with the collective sentiment of our era. "What is going on with the world these days?" The question echoed in my mind as the performance unfolded before me. Wars waged, fires burning, democracies failing – the weight of the world seemed to hang heavy in the air. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was art.

Jackie Ashkin and Jędrzej Jędraszyk masterfully crafted an experience that transcended the boundaries of traditional performance. Through poetry and music, they invited us to confront the discomfort, the unease, and the dissonance of our reality. With each word spoken and each note played, they wove a narrative that echoed the complexities of the human experience. Jackie's words, poignant and evocative, cut through the noise of everyday life, inviting us to delve deeper into our shared humanity. Jędrzej's musical compositions served as the backdrop, guiding us through a landscape of introspection and introspection.

In the midst of chaos, there is beauty. In the midst of uncertainty, there is art. Jackie Ashkin and Jędrzej Jędraszyk reminded us of the transformative power of creativity, of its ability to bridge divides and illuminate the human experience.

As the final notes faded into silence, I found myself filled with a profound sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity to bear witness to such raw and unfiltered expression. Gratitude for the reminder that, despite the challenges we face, we are not alone in our journey.

In the days that followed, the echoes of "None of Us Are Enjoying This" lingered in my mind, a gentle reminder to embrace the beauty amidst the chaos, to find solace in the shared experiences of humanity. And as I navigated the world around me, I carried with me the lessons learned from that unforgettable evening – that even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found, if only we dare to look.

In the end, perhaps that is the greatest gift of art – to remind us of our shared humanity, to inspire us to seek beauty amidst the chaos, and to find solace in the knowledge that, in the end, none of us are truly alone.


Ringo 1986


One question project: Sandra Roberts