Let’s Talk: in (suit)case life happens

Last week I got a last minute invitation to present for Youth Social Entrepreneurship program students at UWC Maastricht which came both as a challenge and as a super fun thing to work on.

I was so impressed with the school and the approach they have to learning and the energy of the facilitators and the curiosity of the students. The first thing I thought to myself was - I would love to study here!

But alas, I was only able to present my story for diversity and gender and lifelong learning groups more focusing on those topics.

Speaking about my story has never been an easy task for me but indeed it was something that was really rewarding and made me feel so grateful. Especially covering themes that I am extremely passionate about - DEI and gender education and lifelong learning and creativity.


Workshopping Gender


Milda Perminienė: Tiesiausias kelias į sėkmę - daryti tai, kas džiugina (Do what gives you joy and success will follow)