little things that matter

It’s been more than a month since Ukraine is under attack. It’s been more than a month of tears, loss, grief, anger but also connection, coming together, holding hands and hearts close to each other. I feel like there are so many things to be shared, to be said, to be heard and I think in the begining it was really obvious how lost for words I felt. Now I feel full of stories, full of love, full of ideas and full of visualizing the steps we need to take to keep on going further, going on.

This one step taken was this weekend when we organized a bake sale, where our lovely Ukrainian ladies baked to collect funds for our foundation that supports people from Ukraine in Amsterdam area. It all was hosted at and of course supported by SunnySide and other kind people donating cake, paper plates and also books in Ukrainian and Russian.

Big thanks to Dagija Kugeviciute for the photography.




things I didn’t know before (maybe)